New Report on Digital Health Technology for the Underserved
Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 7:34AM
Janice McCallum

A new report from Jane Sarasohn-Kahn for the California Health Care Foundation (, Digitizing the Safety Net: Health Tech Opportunities for the Underserved, canvasses the digital health technology landscape through the lens of connecting healthcare to social determinants of health (SDOH). In Jane’s inimitable style, she combines reviews of some notable digital health solutions with analysis of the key drivers of this emerging area. (Note, in my last blog I named Brian Ahier and Lisa Suennen as two of the best analysts & writers in healthcare; Jane is the beacon who sets the standard so that others of us aim high!)

Three key trends shine through for me:

I highly recommend reading and bookmarking this report, which is available for download here:

Follow Jane on her blog,, on Twitter @healthythinker and as part of the Social Media Ambassador list for the upcoming HIMSS conference, #HIMSS16

Article originally appeared on Health Content Advisors (
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